U NEDJELJU, 13.10.2019. GODINE NA VELIKOM I MALOM PLIVSKOM JEZERU ODRŽAT ĆE SE EKOLOŠKA AKCIJA ČIŠĆENJA OBALE. POZIVAMO SVE SPORTSKE KLUBOVE, UDRUGE I INSTITUCIJE S PODRUČJA OPĆINE JAJCE, KAO I NAŠE SUGRAĐANE DA SE NAM SE PRIDRUŽE I DAJU SVOJ DOPRINOS OVOJ AKCIJI!!! Akciju čišćenja Velikog i Malog plivskog jezera inicirali su djelatnici trgovine DM iz Jajca, a pridružit će im se i brojne kolege iz drugih gradova. Općina Jajce i Javna ustanova “Agencija za kulturno-povijesnu i prirodnu baštinu i razvoj turističkih potencijala grada Jajca” podržavaju ovu akciju te pozivaju i sve druge građane Jajca da nam se pridruže. Okupljanje će biti u 09:00 sati na prakingu kod…


The Trip to Jajce

If you ever wondered how an open air museum looks alike, you will find out when you visit Jajce. The most recognizable symbol of Jajce is its magnificent 17 meter high waterfall located in the heart of the town, making Jajce one of the most unique towns in the world. For nature lovers, Plivsko lake and watermills are great place to have coffee and relax. In this town you’ll have the opportunity to see the remains of four great empires (Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian), three kingdoms (Bosnian, Hungarian and Yugoslavian) and of the three world monotheistic religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) along with a variety of architecture…


The Top Things to Do and See in Jajce, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Jajce is a small city in Bosnia & Herzegovina, central not only geographically but also culturally. Throughout Bosnia’s long history, Jajce has been the home of medieval kings, Ottoman governors, and a range of different ethnic groups, as well as being one of President Tito’s earliest Communist strongholds. Jajce has been so far undiscovered by tourists, although UNESCO has recently been investing in renovating the city’s historical areas. Check out our guide for the best things to do and see when in Jajce.   Pliva Falls One of Jajce’s most unique features is this waterfall which is unusually situated right in the centre of the town. The falls are…


Pliva Lakes and Mills – Jajce

Five kilometers away from Jajce there are beautiful Pliva lakes and in the middle separated with bunch of amazing mills built during the Ottoman era.Amongst the people they are know as “mličići” (small mills). Today mostly ouf of order but still amazing to see how they split up two lakes. Io these lakes we would strongly recommend doing some swimming, fishing, canoeing or kayaking (in 1963. World and European Championship in kayaking and canoeing on still waters were held on Pliva lakes). This is something must see if passing by these areas.   (www.sarajevofunkytours.com)


Mesmerizing beauty of Pliva Waterfall

In Bosnia & Herzegovina, the land of countless waterfalls, one has been out of competition since ever. Renowned for its hypnotic charms and inimitable uniqueness, Pliva Waterfall has been named 1of 12 most beautiful waterfalls in the world. Set in the town of Jajce, this 22-meters-high waterfall is the only one in the world located in the city centre. This magnificent waterfall, enlisted on the tentative list for UNESCO, is also unique in the world to create an estuary at the place where Pliva River flows into Vrbas River. Nestled in the basin of lavish greenery, this Pliva Waterfall is a picture-perfect site. Whether you are standing beneath it or…


Watermills of Jajce

This cluster of little wooden huts once ground local farmers’ wheat into flour during the days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.Jajce, in the central region of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is a historic city all about falling water. Famous for its enormous waterfall in the middle of town, the meeting of two rivers – the Pliva and the Vrbas – established the region in the 14th century as the capital of the then Kingdom of Bosnia.  There’s a town castle, old fortified city walls, high mountains and deep river valleys. And just downstream, in the area of the Pliva Lakes, is a collection of about 20 little huts that once…


Jajce Fortress

Jajce was once the seat of some of Bosnia’s medieval kings, and the remains of their castle are still in a good condition today. Jajce fortress was first built around the mid-14th century, although over the years many alterations and additions have been made. The central castle is located on top of a hill overlooking the city, and within the town there a various parts of old fortified wall as well as gates. One of the most interesting features to look out for is the crest of one of the medieval ruling families, which can be seen in its near-perfect condition at the entrance to the castle. Thanks to this…


Jajce: The Roman Cult of Mithras

The Roman deity Mithras appears in the historical record in the late 1st century A.D., and disappears from it in the late 4th century A.D. Unlike the major mythological figures of Graeco-Roman religion, such as Jupiter and Hercules, no ancient source preserves the mythology of the god. All of our information is therefore derived from depictions on monuments, and the limited mentions of the cult in literary sources. The temples of Mithras were always an underground cave, featuring a relief of Mithras killing the bull. This “tauroctony”, as it is known today, appears in the same format everywhere, but with minor variations. Other standard themes appear in the iconography. The…


Jajce: A Town of National Monuments and Natural Beauty

Centrally located, easily accessible from all major cities in Bosnia, this historic town may not be a hidden gem but it is certainly worthy of a visit. Located in Central Bosnia, a 3-hour car ride away from the capital city, Jajce sits on confluences of the rivers Pliva and Vrbas. It served as residence of the last Bosnian king and today it is home to 29 national monuments and to one of the ten most beautiful waterfalls in Europe. Jajce Old Town. iStockphoto/Adnan Vejzovic.  It does not really matter if you are looking for an adventurous trip, sightseeing, nature exploring or tasting local cuisine, you will not be disappointed by…


The town of Jajce is located on the banks of rivers Vrbas and Pliva, 164 km north-west of Sarajevo.

Built in the 14th century, Jajce at the time was the capital of the Bosnian Kingdom. The kingdom fell to the Ottomans in 1463, but was retaken the following year by Hungarian King Matthias Corvinus. Eventually in 1527, Jajce became the last Bosnian town to fall to the Ottoman Empire. Bosnia and Herzegovina is rich with waterfalls and most of them have formed on travertine barrages – natural barriers of porous and rather soft limestone which has been deposited by lime-rich water.   Pliva Waterfall is not an exception, on this river have formed many smaller and larger travertine steps but the last one – right at the…

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